Time Integrated Methods Engineering System
TIMES is a synthetic data blocking system designed to create process times for virtually any operation that has a defined method laid down, it can also be used as a tool for comparison of different methods or for developing new methods, for lean manufacturing engineers it proportions the work to added value and non added value automatically thus highlighting potential areas for improvement. Data is based on a Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS)
Example of TIMES Analysis
There are two ways in which the system can be utilised.
Outright Purchase (TIMES)
With an outright purchase the company can load the software onto its own hardware with unlimited access for developing Methods, Standards, Etc.
Web User (Web TIMES)
Suitable for the smaller organisations that do not have a full time engineering facility to provide methods improvement and time standards the web user can access the system via the internet to develop a process standard, etc and only pay a minimum fee, a log in system operates so that a companies data is completely safe.
Training in the use of the system is provided over a two day training period based at our premises at Bridgnorth, Shropshire. It consists of the theory of how the data blocks have been constructed and how to utilise each of the data blocks in the development of a standard
Customised Data-Blocks
The Data-Blocks within the system will cover the majority of situations that are likely to be encountered in any industrial application, but if required any specialist equipment, process or tools can be incorporated into the system to meet an individual companies specific requirements
Demonstration of System
For a demonstration of the system and a detailed cost breakdown please contact us on 01746 769 309 or by email to sales@tmssolutions.co.uk