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MOST® is the registered trade mark of H B Maynard & Co Inc

Mini MOST® Course - PT12

3 Days

Mini- MOST® was designed to measure highly repetitive operations of short duration - typically 5 to 10 seconds. These operations will also have virtually no variation from cycle to cycle. Usually these operations are associated with high volume production. Measurement, therefore, requires a more precise definition than does Basic MOST®.

As with Basic MOST®, the technique analyses work through the movement of objects. Only two Motion Sequences are used and these take the same format as the "General" and "Controlled" moves. The application of the motion sequences, however, is different. Due to the precise method definition required, each hand is analysed separately, any overlapping motions are notated by "Ringing Out" as well as through a coding system. The other main difference from Basic MOST® is that the index multiplier is 1 instead of 10, so an index 10 has a value in Mini-MOST® of 10 Tmu's and not 100 Tmu's as in Basic MOST®.

Other key differences are:-

1. Action Distances are measured and do not exceed 2 steps

2. The choices of both "Gain Control" and "Place" within the General Move are greatly enhanced. For example within Gain Control consideration has to be given to whether the object is lying by itself or jumbled. If jumbled, the size of the objects have to be considered when grasping a part.

3. The detailed approach is continued when using the "Controlled Move" sequence. Again, the length of the "Move Controlled" must be measured . In Cranking, the Crank diameter will affect choice of index. In "Alignment" a greater number of precise factors are considered.

In summary, careful thought should be given when considering the use of Mini-MOST® because it relates to a precise method. Benefits will only accrue if the method is tightly controlled and if quantities are high enough to warrant the investment in analysis time.

Who Should Attend

Delegates to be trained in Mini-MOST® should have successfully completed a Basic MOST® course.


Day 1

  • Introduction and Theory

  • General Move Sequence

  • Controlled Move Sequence

Day 2

  • Combination and Simultaneous Motions

  • Practical Exercises

Day 3

  • Practical Exercises

  • Examination


What is new from TMS


TIMES is a synthetic data blocking system designed to create process times for virtually any operation that has a defined method laid down, it can also be used as a tool for comparison of different methods or for developing new methods, for lean manufacturing engineers it proportions the work to added value and non added value automatically thus highlighting potential areas for improvement. Data is based on a Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS)

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